Sunday, September 12, 2010

Counting Down

As our time at the barn draws to a close, I am sad to be leaving the things I have loved about being here this summer. Opening my door and stepping out into the pine forest, daily walks on the golf course, watching our little goose family, the friends made and friendships renewed. Only two more weeks and we will be moving out.

We took a path we don't usually walk on today and went past this pond. There are geese here, too.

Looking at the back of the barn.

Monna and Cam are really getting into their game!

Matt took a group picture today to submit to the newspaper with our last article about the barn. We were missing two people, Valerie and Don, wish they had been there so we could have gotten everyone.

Back row: Alan, John, Karen, Dave, Cam, Matt

Front row: Vickie, Monna, Diane, Dennis

We weren't sure we were going to make it home tonight. When we got ready to go, the pickup wouldn't start! It wouldn't even turn over. Luckily, we brought the other charger over, John ran over the one we had here, and were able to put the batteries on the charger for an hour or so and then the pickup started. Not sure if the batteries are going bad or if we have a short somewhere that's draining them. We got home after dark, stopped and got something to eat, then came home and crashed. I was so worried we wouldn't be able to make it home and would miss the funeral tomorrow.

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