Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Last Day

A bittersweet day, the last day of our season at the Art Barn.

We walked on the golf course for the last time this morning. I'm going to miss seeing our geese and the beautiful grass and trees. What a wonderful way to start the day!

The festival booths at the Fall Festival and below are the artists inside. Our view this summer looking out our booth at Alan's art.

On the left looking down the main isle is Vickie's jewelry.

Next is Dennis' booth and then Matt's photos.

At the back on the barn on the left side is Monna's booth.

Opposite Monna on the right side is Cam's booth.

Next to her is Valerie's jewelry, then Don and David's booth. They kept the barn smelling good all summer with their merchandise!

Next to Don and Dave is Diane's Fused glass jewelry and pottery.

And back to the front of the barn is our booth. I only got this one shot of the outside of our booth today.

Not many people in today, the car show wrapped up about noonish and when traffic slowed down Alan said we could start packing up. John had to pick up the signs, so we didn't get started until he got back at about 1:30. It took us about 4 hours to take down and pack up. We were so exhausted by the time we got finished and the trailer made ready to go. Here we are taking down, our side of the barn was empty first.

Goodbye Art Barn. . .

We stopped to check the load and I shot this view of the sunset behind us.

We got home just after dark, about 6:30 and just backed the trailer into the yard. We'll start unpacking and cleaning tomorrow. John stepped off the Travel Trailer steps in the dark and fell and is hurting all over. It's not any fun to fall down when you get old! I came close to falling down them a couple times this summer and all that saved me was the rail.

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