Saturday, September 25, 2010

Run To the Pines Car Show and our Art Festival

It was cold this morning! We walked first thing and parts of the walk were pretty cold, I could see my breath, burr! Cars were starting to line up on the road to get into the golf course when we left and were still coming in when we got back about 45 minutes later.

Here's closeups of the house with the train.

John and I checked out the car show early this morning, wow, lots of cool cars I would love to have!

Looking towards the barn. Frank Smith lets them use his property for parking cars for the car show. They charge $7 to park and the money goes to the golf course. I didn't realize, but they say it's having financial problems and so Frank does this to help them out.

The festival tents, we didn't have many vendors this time, only 7, I think.

As far as traffic went, the barn was packed full. We didn't do well, most were looking, not buying. We went out to eat with Alan and Vickie this evening, we tried out the Maverick Restaurant for the first time. Pretty good grub.

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