Wednesday, April 18, 2012


We unloaded the trailer of gravel that John got yesterday and got another one and unloaded it, too!  I'm not sure if this was load 3 or 4?  The yard is looking good!  I just wish we'd done everything in the smaller size gravel, it looks and cleans up so much better!  The areas with the bigger size look pretty crappy!  After we got everything covered, I used John's blower to blow off leaves and stuff from the big gravel.  It helped, but it still has gunk in it.

John noticed that the spruce tree had a big crack in the ground below it, it looked like maybe roots were doing it?  We then noticed that the tree is leaning out towards the driveway! Yikes!  John got a cable and connected it between the ponderosa and the spruce, hopefully that will hold it if it tries to uproot and tip over!

I put the cushion on my hanging chair this afternoon and sat in it for a while and enjoyed the warmth.  It was a bit too breezy or it would have been perfect!

John made green chili beans with pork for supper tonight, it was much easier for me to chew the pork than it is when we use beef.  MM good supper!  Watched TV this evening.

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