Tuesday, April 10, 2012


We went to ShowLow and Pinetop today to pick up John's artwork at the ShowLow City Hall and the Casbah.  Saw the other John Wilhelm at City Hall and visited a bit with him, he says Curtis is doing well, (he has lukemia)  and so is the new baby.  Got our art there, then headed up to the Casbah to get what we had there.  We were both upset, they had removed the sign saying Wilhelm's Art from the front of the store, and we found our spot dark!  They had removed the light we paid for and paid to have installed and moved it "because Valerie wanted it". Had they asked we probably would have told them she could have it, AFTER we left,  but to move it before our month's rent was even up was so rude!  How could we expect to sell anything when it was too dark for customer's to see the art!  They had gradually been encroching on our space over the past year, putting other artists stuff closer and closer to where our stuff was, blocking it a bit and using space we paid for!  That upset me, but this seemed like such a slap in the face to us!  Being sarcastic, I told Don it was nice that they'd taken our light down for us, that's when he said Val wanted it so they'd moved it to her new space.  I should have told me we wanted it and were taking it down!  We might have considered going back to the Casbah in the future if the ecomony got better, but this cooked it for us, we'll never go back!  And I wouldn't recommend that anyone else rents space there!

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