The 13th being on a Friday always makes me think of my Dad. He always told me he was born on a Friday the 13 and that's why he had bad luck. I looked it up once and he WASN'T born on a Friday, LOL, so much for that theory.
John got out early and cut down a bush that came up by itself, I think the birds must have planted it, it's right under some wires. We're making it easier for people to see the sculptures in that yard. Kind of sad tho, making it more visible also makes our cozy little break place under the locust less private and cozy. Hope the tree will fill out more this year and hide our spot in leaves! Last year a lot of the branches died, so the tree was more open and less of a tent feel. He also burned piles of leaves and later I went out and raked up the yard where he removed the barrels and the yard by the x pond. The yard is looking better.
John also made a turtle this morning. Beva is wanting some yard art and when they were here she was asking about my turtles and wanting to buy one, so I figure she would like one.
John decided to give Brad Goodsell a piece of art for giving us the old pot, and we took it up and delivered it this afternoon. I think he liked it. John said Brad gave him the idea for the piece,so it seemed fitting that he have it, it's the one he calls timepiece.
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