Saturday, April 21, 2012


We went to the chrome in the dome this morning.  As we were walking around in the dome we came upon a car and John said it was like one that our first grade teacher Natalia Greer had.  About that time we overheard a conversation between 2 guys standing by the car and one was telling the other that the car had belonged to a Natalia Greer of St. Johns!!  What a coincidence!  He said a car dealer bought the car from her estate and had fixed it up.  It had been rebuilt from bottom to top, a different more powerful engine installed body work and repainting done.  It looked nice!  We told him that Natalia taught us and he thought that was cool.

This afternoon John got a call from Connie, Mabel wasn't doing well, they haven't been able to rouse her from sleep.  She only roused briefly yesterday when they poked her with the iv needle.  We went down to see her.  She was sitting in her chair, and John talked to her and tried to get her to repond, but she never did.  She was holding her head up, not supported on the chair, I don't know how she could do that and be asleep.  When John rubbed her foot, she did rouse a bit and mutter, but when Connie told us she had sores on her foot, he probably hurt her and she that brought her around a bit.  I'm not sure she's really sleeping, but she isn't awake either, not sure what's going on.  We left for a while and went up to Mom's to visit, then ate at El Camino and went back to Mabel's.  Doc Wilson had been by to see her, he said to wait and see how she does tonight.  Carl said when his Mom was dying, she did the same thing, couldn't be roused from sleep.  He said it was because her kidneys were shutting down.  Maybe that's what's happening with Mabel.  Called the boys when we got home to let them know.  Vicki and Wayne are coming up tomorrow to spend a few days. 

Today was Roy's birthday, not sure how old he would have been, in his 100's.  Shirley set up a mock chuckbox on the dining room table in his honor, it was cool.

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