What a freaky start to our day! The sound of the doorbell woke me up about 4 this morning. John was already up reading, and had opened the door to find a half-frozen teenager standing there wanting a ride home. He brought him inside, gave him something hot to drink and wrapped him up in a blanket. The kid was impaired, from the cold or the alcohol John could smell on his breath, and could hardly communicate. When the kid didn't get an answer at the number he called, John called the cops to come give the kid a ride home, I didn't want him heading out with him, too scary! When John mentioned that he could smell alcohol on the kids breath to the dispatcher, the kid jumped up and bolted out the back door! We could hear him crashing into stuff in the back yard as he made his escape, right into where the neighbors have a pond! We think he was picked up as he walked out the neighbor's driveway, a car we hope was a cop came down the road and picked someone up as they walked out the driveway. Don't know who the kid was, I think the name he gave John was fake. Moral to this story, don't get up early, LOL!
We walked to Nutrioso Creek and back this morning. |
I got the watering system set up in the greenhouse and turned it on to try it out. I planted more lettuce, beets and carrots. Hope it won't be too cold for them to germinate.
Sunset and Moonrise, beautiful! |
That is scary.
Did you hear the story of Fiona & Bret's kidnapping? They tried to give a guy a ride, just to be helpful because he said he was out of gas, and once he was in their car he pulled a gun & made Bret go get money from the ATM. It makes me scared to help anyone!
I'm glad your story ended okay.
I hadn't heard that, what a scary world we live in! Glad they weren't hurt!
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