Thursday, January 19, 2012


The last two days I've felt like a CSI detective.  Yesterday, we came across two spent gun shells at the end of our street. Just the two shells,  how'd they get there?  We felt like putting up the yellow markers over the shells like they do on CSI, LOL.  Later on we noticed blood drops on the old highway and we found a Honda key.   We amused ourselves while walking, putting the three clues together to come up with some far out crime scenarios, even though we really don't think there was a crime.  (The blood is most likely from a just butchered beef.)   Today, I stopped at the corral to rest and discovered a skull.  Not sure what kind of an animal it is, but it was cool looking.  There is always something interesting if I keep a watch while walking.  I took photos of the skull, now to do some detective work and find out what it is.

The skull I found.  John asked a friend to identify it and he says
it's a cat.  Later, I noticed other bones scattered around and a
bag that more bones were coming out of.  How'd I miss that the
first time??
Cleaned out gourd.
Wow, look at the line of haze or smoke across town!
The corral

John didn't walk with me because we were supposed to have a repairman coming to service our furnace and didn't know what time he'd be here.  We waited all day but he never did show up! We haven't used the furnace since we got the electric ETS heater, but our bill went way up last month, they raised the rates and we're wondering if the old propane furnace would be cheaper now.  So we're going to do a test.  Next time they read our meter, we're going to turn off the ETS heater and fill our propane tank and use the furnace for a month and see how the cost compares.  John thinks it will be way cheaper.  Only time will tell.  

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