Sunday, July 18, 2010

Wow, What a Storm!

I woke up early this morning not feeling good, so we didn't walk. I missed it!

John took this shot of Jessie sleeping in this morning. She looks so comfy all snuggled up in her little bed!

I somehow missed getting pictures of the necklace Jessie made this weekend. Val let her pick from a bucket of beads and she strung it yesterday and Val took it home to finish putting the clasps on it and brought it in to her this morning. Val is such a sweet person to provide her with things to do!! Guy's metal bistro table and chairs sold this morning, yea for Guy and Sue, they were so happy to get the call saying it was sold!! I got a picture of Jessie at the table, it's a really cool table! Here's some pictures from today.

We had a visit from our favorite customers today, they came to pick up the commission John did for them. We always enjoy visiting with them, and had a great visit!

We took Jessie home, then headed for home. We could see clouds and lightning in the distance and soon drove into a HEAVY rainstorm. We could hardly see where we were going and it was so loud, we couldn't hear each other talk! Wow! It had rained on my garden, and everything looks good.

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