Monday, July 26, 2010

Home Again

Pictures from our walk this morning. We've been watching this weird growth on two tree stumps growing larger and larger. Some of them look like flowers. It's kind of pretty.

After our walk we started working on our booth. We changed things around and rehung most everything. I think it looks good. I forgot to get a photo of it, we were rushing around trying to get it all done.

We got home about 11, it was so good to be home! Our phone still didn't work, so I called to see what the holdup was. After a long and frustrating phone call, during which I had to wake John up so he could tell them they could talk to me, the doorbell rang and it was the phone repair guy. Wow, what fast service, I thought. Nope, he already had us on his list for today. He said he hadn't been by on Saturday, so the person I talked to on Sunday lied to me! The repairman said don't feel bad, they lie to him, too.

John worked on the fascia installation and got a couple up. Stuff is growing big in my garden and I found my sunflower has bloomed and we have a pear!

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