Sunday, March 11, 2012

They're White!

I've been wondering when my peas were going to bloom and have been on the lookout for purple flowers because that's what color they usually are.  I walked right past some blooms today before seeing WHITE flowers on my way back past them!  I guess I got a different variety this year. It's official, my peas are in bloom!  I wonder how they are going to pollinate?  Guess I need to do some research and see if I need to help them along.

The peas are in bloom!

John is working on the log for the bear.

He's also working on his boat.

Studying the plan.

I went with John to return the left over pipe that a friend had furnished him for his log twig.  His lay down yard is out on the road to Casa, I had forgotten he owned that property, long ago Casa borrowed it from him to use as a campground for Pecos. Funny the memories of those days that are coming back to me.  We saw a bunny on our way back to the pickup, he froze allowing me to get several photos.  Guess he thought he was invisible.  I walked down to check out Nutrioso Creek, which runs across the road, and it's running a lot more water than we have been seeing on our walks.  I wonder if it's running higher there now, or if it's getting water from somewhere else?  Have to check that out on our next walk.

Looking towards Escudilla

The frozen bunny thinks we can't see him.
Nutrioso Creek is running.

I spent most of the day adding photos to my blog, it takes so long to upload a photo, it gets exhausting!!

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