Sunday, March 4, 2012


The weather was a bit nicer today, still cold out this morning when we walked!  John thought it was warm, but I was all bundled up and my ears were still freezing!  We forgot to build up to 2 miles since it's been a while since we walked and by the time we got home I was so tired and sore!  We saw 2 dead Javelinas, someone had dumped them by the roadside, I wonder where they were killed?  I don't know if they live in the area or not.  Dumb place to  dump them, now it's going to smell bad there for a long time! 

Flat Top
The willows are starting to bud out and are turning green.
Did laundry and cleaned a bit this morning.  Went shopping this afternoon.

I love seed packets, such promise in a small package!

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