Friday, February 17, 2012

Fog and a Birthday

It was foggy this morning, so eerie and cool looking outside.  I stepped out and took a flash photo before dawn and it looked like snow in the air!  I also got some shots of the sun through the fog, so cool!

I captured the fog while it was still dark outside with a flash.  Weird looking!
Just before dawn.

Sunrise through the fog, pretty cool!
It looked like smoke coming from our roof!

My greenhouse continues to grow, the peas are doing well and I should have a radish ready for picking in a couple days! Wow, my first produce from my garden!

A radish almost ready to pick!

My peas are growing

Carrot seedheads in the snow.

We walked this morning, it's been a week and it was hard to go.  We only made it to the corrals,  there was a slight wind and it was bitter cold out!

Looking towards town.
Happy Birthday Jessie!  Today she turned 12 years old!  Here's a picture of her with her cake tonight.  Her party is tomorrow.

Happy Birthday Jessie! 

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