Friday, August 6, 2010

A New Tree

John planted the peach tree Mel gave us this morning. It's a variety that is cold resistant and should do well in our area. I think the variety is China Pearl. Hope it does well! Mel said planting it this time of the year will give it time to get used to the weather and hopefully it won't be as traumatized by the weird spring weather we get here.

Had an uneventful trip to the barn, the gardener's were finishing up placing the sod on the new lawn next to the barn. They ended up with a bunch left over and put sod on one side of the path leading from the street to the barn. Looks good!

We ran down to WalMart to shop this evening and ate at Wendy's. While we were there rain started pouring down. It was raining so hard that water was coming in under the door, through the entry and under another door into the restaurant!

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