Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Early Bird gets the . . Caterpillar and my Hero to the Rescue

Monna and I were sitting out on the back patio this morning and noticed a bird that was standing absolutely still so we took a second look and spotted a caterpillar crawling towards him. When it got close enough for the bird to get, it pounced on it and started pecking at it. Of course my camera was in the trailer and the bird was between me and the camera. I guess we made it nervous and it flew a short distance, prey in its beak and I went for my camera and got a few shots.

Today wasn't as busy as yesterday, I was so glad for that and didn't spend any time sitting in Alan's chair today. I wore a back brace with an ice pack all morning and it helped my back feel better. It wasn't as hot today and as a storm started coming closer, we got a nice cool breeze.

This afternoon I heard a sort of cheeping sound and tracked it down and found it was a hummingbird trapped in a spider web in our skylight! Who would have thought that a web would hold a bird! John climbed up on a chair and still couldn't reach it, so he hunted up a ladder and rescued the poor thing. He took it outside and freed its feet from the web and it instantly flew away. I tried to get a shot of it in his hand, but it was too quick for me. John was our hero for rescuing him.

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