Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's feeling like fall

I don't know what the difference is, but it's felt like fall the last two days. We've been wondering what it is in the human body that detects a difference and says fall is here. There has been a cool breeze the last couple days and maybe that has something to do with it.

My tomatoes are turning red now and I have lots of them on the vine. Cucumbers are also doing well and I've got several little ones on the vine and I picked 3 today. There are a few ears of corn, hope they make it. The later corn is still small and unless it puts on a growth spurt, I don't think it's going to produce. Most of the fun for me is in the growing, I love to see things grow, so from that viewpoint my garden is a huge success!

We've noticed a big infestation of bugs this summer. We have way more flies than usual, more crawlies and as we sat under the locust tree today, we watched a big herd of flying insects just staying in one place flying round and round and round. Looks like they'd use up all their energy flying around and drop dead of starvation! Well, I can dream, can't I!

John has been busy making sculptures to take to the barn, he's done a couple snakes, a bird and a new cardholder to replace the one sold. I wonder if this one will make it through the next festival without being sold? The last one didn't even make it through the first day! I've been busy getting photos and scratchboard scans resized for the web and posting them to John's website and facebook page. Charles fixed him up on facebook last week, what a sweet guy!

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