Friday, June 18, 2010

Wind, Wind Go Away!

Breezy day. I had to tie up my tomatoes that I planted in pots yesterday, the wind was making them bend and I was afraid they were going to break at the bend. John helped me take off all the walls-o-water this evening, hope I'm not doing it too soon! The tomatoes were all growing up past them and the peppers were looking kind of wilty and burned where they touched the walls. I had to tie most of them up too, to keep the wind from damaging them. I'm so ready for the wind to stop!

I scanned in two of John's scratchboards and cleaned them up today. Takes me forever to get them ready, especially the ones with color, for some reason it's hard to get the colors right and the black sometimes looks colored, too. I think it's all the black makes the scanner go wonky. I used some Photoshop techniques I learned in Jessica Sprague's classes today, they helped make the editing easier!

Since the plane crashed into our high school last week I kind of cringe when I hear an airplane go by overhead. I'm coming to agree with Z. George who hated airplanes flying over his ranch. Roy said when an airplane would fly over the ranch, Z. George would step outside and shake his fist at the plane and say "The killingly mutts, they're going to drop a monkey wrench out of the plane and hit a man on the cranium." One of the boys would reply, "Well Pa, they have a right to fly over this ranch." His reply to that was always "I own this ranch from the center of the earth to the outer reaches of the atmosphere." The boys would come back with "Doesn't that make your ranch shaped something like a toothpick?"

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