Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Went on a benture today.  We packed a lunch and rode up to Big Lake and looked around, got a treat at the store, then went on to the Big Lake lookout tower to see if they'd demolised it and rebuilt.  They hadn't, only change was that they'd added solar panels and antennas.  There was also a butane tank sitting inside the chain link fence they'd put around the tower.  Someone had taken the gate off its hinges and it was open.  Everything that was above in the room at the top was on the ground floor, a stove, a chair, pieces of metal and splatters of melted metal all over the rocks, the fire must have been hot or the metal melted at a low temp!  The ground was a beautiful green, the barley had died, but some kind of grass that didn't look native was thriving as well as flowers.  Maybe from the seeds dropped on the area last summer?  It made the blackened trees look all the more stark!

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