Thursday, May 17, 2012


Today was NOT a good day for me.  We walked this morning and I didn't feel good when we got back, so I took my blood pressure and it was high.  Thinking it was the walk, I took it again later and it was even higher.  It kept going up, so I went to the docs office and had them take it to see if my machine was going goofy.  It was even higher there, 170/90!  I don't think I've ever had one that high!  The docs assistant saw me and said everything seemed fine, except for the high BP.  He gave me a pill for it and after 15 minutes, it had gone down to 130/90.  He gave me a prescription to add to the one I'm taking and I go back on Monday for fasting bloodwork and we'll go from there.  I saw a new PA, turns out his wife is a relative, she's Gary Davis' daughter!  Small world.  I took my BP several times after I got home and it started dropping, it got down to 100/67 and kept bouncing all over, but never any lower than that.  By bedtime it was back up, but I didn't dare take my evening BP pill just in case.  For the last two months, I've been given a different pill from what I normally take, and I wonder if the little pink pill has anything to do with not controlling my BP.  It's gradually been getting higher since I started taking them, so I asked as the pharmacy and they were aware that it could do that and apparently they've had a problem with it.  I requested that they mark on my prescription that I not be given the pink one again and she said she would.  She said insurance would pay to refill that one now, so I got it refilled with the white oval ones and I'm hoping my BP will go back down!  I also got the new pres. filled, not sure if I'll start on it right away or give it a bit to see if it starts going down.

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