Saturday, May 26, 2012


The wind was blowing when I woke up this morning, harder than it was yesterday.  Maybe we'll get the 60 mph winds predicted for yesterday today. 

John called the airport about 8 this morning we're having steady winds of 44.5 mph and gusts of 63 mph!  A good day to stay inside!  The gas hog got blown off his perch and is laying on his side on the ground! 

A mandatory evacuation of the community of Mogollon has been ordered by the Catron County Sheriffs Office effective 12:00 noon today. All residents of that community are directed to leave their premises and are welcome to relocate to the Glenwood Community Center located on Community Center Road.  I hope the fire doesn't destroy Mogollon!  It's such a quaint cool little town!

What a day!  The wind was ferocious!  It kind of calmed down this evening.  I never did venture down to the greenhouse to check out that all was okay.

We did get out for a bit today, went for a ride around town this afternoon, lots of tree limbs down.  Our poor locust tree has lost a lot of leaves and tiny branches, mostly the new growth from this spring.  Poor tree!

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