Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I got my permanent crown on this morning.  They were flushing out the fire hydrants this morning and warned us that the water might be dirty after, so we went to ShowLow to get out of town until it had time to get flushed out.  We went shopping at Wal Mart.  While there I ran into Peggy Hill, she gave us some bad news, Dennis has cancer!  He was having his second chemo treatment.  She said it's incurable cancer in his liver where it spread from the colon.  His brother died of colon cancer so Dennis has been faithful about having colonoscopys and just had one in January.  The found a polyp and said it was precancerous, but took it out.  Peggy said his cancer started in the colon, so they missed something there! I feel so bad for both of them, too sad!

John noticed smoke up by Escudilla this afternoon, I went out to see and it was eerily like last summer and the Wallow Fire and gave me chills.  I tried to find info online and couldn't, so called the police.  They said it's a fire in New Mexico.  It must have gotten larger today.  Here's what I found later after I knew what fire it is:

Whitewater Fire Evening UPDATE – May 22nd

The Whitewater Fire burning in the Gila Wilderness is approximately five miles southwest of the summer community of Willow Creek and was detected on Wednesday, May, 16. The fire is currently growing and continues to burn in steep, rugged terrain of mixed conifer forest. The fire remains at 0% containment as firefighters are unable to directly suppress the fire due to extreme fire behavior. Red Flag Warnings were in effect today from early afternoon and will last throughout the evening.
There is a pre-cautionary evacuation of the Willow Creek area at this time because of extreme fire behavior. Crews are also being pulled back to staging areas for their safety because of the extreme fire behavior at this time.
Closure order 06-301 is being implemented and includes the following closures.
• Whitewater Trail #207 is closed from the junction with Powerhouse Trail #810 to the junction with Crest Trail #182.
• Holt Apache Trail #181 is closed from the junction with Deloche/Wynn Canyon Trail #179 to the east.
• Crest Trail #182 is closed from Sandy Point trailhead to the junction with Holt Apache Trail #181
• Bead Springs Trail #138 is closed
• Iron Creek Trail #172 is closed
• Red Stone is closed
• Grouse Mountain Trail #781
In addition to the trail closures, the Bursum Road (State Road 159) is closed from Fanny Springs approximately 13 miles east of Glenwood, New Mexico, to the junction with Forest System Road 142/County Road C021 (Snow Lake Road).
Avoidance of all areas surrounding these closed areas is strongly recommended and caution is advised for the entire Gila Wilderness due to recent lightning and fire activity.
For more information visit the Gila National Forest website at http://fs.usda.gov/gila. You may also visit www.inciweb.org for maps and updates.

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