Saturday, April 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Josh

Josh turned 14 today! Wow, doesn't seem like he should be that old! He's been wanting a turtle and got one this year! It's pretty cool looking!

After Josh's birthday party we rode over to ShowLow to try and find a microwave to replace the under the cabinet one that just died. Didn't find one, but I did find something that was so exciting to me!! Some bagged soil sold by the Mel Bartholomew, the guy who wrote the square foot gardening book!! I needed to add more soil this year, but wasn't looking forward to finding the right ingredients to make the soil mix. We saw lots of trees in bloom in Show Low, and I got this shot of one at Home Depot. Beautiful! We dropped in to see Dave and Don's new store location and ended up renting a wall to hang some of our art on! We don't have to be there, they sell it, collect tax and can put it on charge cards, yea! Hope we can sell a bunch!

We rode home up over the mountains, there is still some snow on the ground.

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