Saturday, April 16, 2011

Chrome In The Dome

Today was the annual Chrome In The Dome day. John and I spent a couple hours looking and wandering and drooling over the vehicles! There were some beautiful ones there. I saw several that I would love to have!

Andy's family came over so he could help John take a look inside the wall in the Studio bathroom with his little camera to see what froze and broke last winter. Luckily, they didn't see any pipes broken, just the faucet! Whew, they got the parts ordered and on the way. Hope that fixes it. They could feel a breeze coming out of the wall and so we need to find out where the cold air is getting in, so we don't have freezing problems next winter! We ate BBQ burgers for lunch and then Jessie, Susan and I went down to the Thrift Store to shop, Jessie got watered down when her bottle full of pop went pop when she opened it and she needed a change of clothes. We all found some good bargains! I got a cool jacket, and Jessie and Susan found clothes. Had a good visit with them all.

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