Saturday, April 30, 2011

What The Easter Bunny Does After Easter

We were walking along this morning when we spotted a bunny hiding in the weeds. I wonder if he was looking for lost eggs?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Wind Again

Windy again today. We walked earlier, but it was still pretty windy by the time we got back. John is working on his bike again, he's remodeling it, he is oging to move the engine.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dentist and walks

John had an appointment with Dr. Tenney for crown preps on two teeth. It took them 3 hours! I went for a walk while he was gone. It was pretty nice out, just a bit windy. Later, I went for another walk along the river and it was very windy by then!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


John took a trailer he built several years ago down to St. Johns this morning to license it. While he was gone, I went for a walk, I'm making it to the bottom of the hill easily, as soon as the weather is better, I think I'll try going up the hill.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


We braved the wind and took some sculptures over to Pintop and Little Shops at the Casbah today. The owners picked all 5 that we took, 4 of them are on the patio and one, the computer dude, is at the entrance. Ordered a microwave at Home Depot, hope we have better luck than ordering online! Shopped at WalMart and came home.

Monday, April 25, 2011


John and I walked this morning, it was windy and cool. John is remodeling the goat again, LOL, this time he's adding some "skin" to him. The dino is almost finished, he is going to add a few more finishing touches. But, most things aren't finished until they get sold, LOL. John is always remodeling.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter is Here!

Easter dawned cloudy and breezy. We had a quiet day. John worked on his dinosaur until his welder died, then he ran down to visit his mom and borrow their old welder. I stayed home and walked.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Picnic

We met Andy's family and Mom and Carleen at the Midway and went up to Bucklelew Spring for a picnic. The day was overcast and windy when we left, but the trees dropped the wind to a breeze and the sun came out and it ended up being a nice day.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Jess visit

Jessie asked if she could come over and spend the night, so after her family colored their eggs, they brought her over. We colored a few eggs here, it would have seemed so strange not to, she's been spending a few days with us around Easter time since she was about 3 and we've celebrated Easter with her for the last eight years.

John challenged Jessie to a dogfight and she ended up beating him most of the time! LOL, he usually wins when I play him, so it was fun to see Jessie winning!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Walks, Blooms and a Set Back

John and I walked this morning. We went past the end of the pavement a bit so a little over 2 miles. It was a bit windy and cold, but not too bad. John said I walked his legs off, LOL. I was going fast to keep up with him and he says he was walking fast to keep up with me! I think we probably set a time record. John spotted this little guy plugging along the road. Love his colors!

Unwalked territory, the road ahead. One day we'll venture farther and see what's at the top!

My amaryllis is booming! And I bought an Easter Lily the other day. They brighten up the place and the lily smells so, umm, strong? It smelled good at first, but it's kind of overpowering now. But it's beautiful!

John had a set back with his dino, one of the welds broke and the head fell to the floor and broke the weld holding it on! So he spent today fixing and making it stronger. Bummer!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


John worked on his dino today, he decided to go with the chain for the backbone and tail. Tony gave him a piece the other day that was enough to make his backbone but not tail and he offered John another piece to do the tail, so it can all be the same, thanks Tony! Here's the dino progress today. Those teeth look wicked!

The air around has been hazy lately and John found an article in the paper about a fire up near double cattleguards, so we went up to check it out. I don't think the haze today was from that fire, looked like it was out, but it was still hazy. We saw a field of horses and geese grazing together in Alpine, cool sight! The geese are the tiny things in the forground, you can barely see them.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Still Breezy

John and I went for a walk this morning. It was breezy and a bit cool. I was glad I took my hat along with me, I ended up with it on to keep my ears warm. We didn't go as far today, the wind was picking up and we didn't want to fight a strong headwind on the way home.

John has been trying to track down the source of the cold air that he and Andy felt when they were diagnosing the studio water pipes to see how many froze last winter. They could feel cold air coming out of the wall the shower is on, so that's probably why it froze the pipes. John got some insulation and has been pouring it into the wall and he caulked up some spots where we could see light coming through from outside, in the bath closet and he caulked up a spot where the siding has started pulling away from the building. Hopefully, this will save us from freeze damage next winter!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Breezy Monday

Another breezy spring day! Not as bad as it's been though. While John went out running errands and going to see Dr. Heap to see if he has metal in his eye, (luckily it was just a scratch) I went for a walk. I made it to the end of the pavement and a bit beyond, a little over 2 miles total. John called while I was walking, he'd gotten home, so he met me at the corrals on my way back and we walked home from there together. I met Joaquin out walking his dog on my way back, sad that he's alone now.

Eric came up and spent the afternoon working on a project for himself and John worked on his new sculpture, a dinosaur. Wow, it's going to be huge! It looks pretty scary to me right now, with only the feet and legs done! Can you imagine meeting this guy somewhere!

Here's a look at what his head will be made of.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

ADSR Sunday

Sunday midnight is the deadline for the weeks ADSR challenges and it seems like lots of racers like to leave it to the last second and beyond to post their layouts! Then they don't do them right, I don't think they read the directions well, just skim them and go do a layout, never checking to see if they followed the rules, like post in your credits what you used where to fill the requirements! This week I checked in my teams, the teams of a checker who is at a Big Losers Camp and the teams of an ill checker. I was pretty burned out by the end of the day!

John has started on a new sculpture. This one is a dinosaur and it is going to be pretty big! Here's John standing by its feel and legs. WOW!

The world is blooming now! These blooms are on a tree at Basha's.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Chrome In The Dome

Today was the annual Chrome In The Dome day. John and I spent a couple hours looking and wandering and drooling over the vehicles! There were some beautiful ones there. I saw several that I would love to have!

Andy's family came over so he could help John take a look inside the wall in the Studio bathroom with his little camera to see what froze and broke last winter. Luckily, they didn't see any pipes broken, just the faucet! Whew, they got the parts ordered and on the way. Hope that fixes it. They could feel a breeze coming out of the wall and so we need to find out where the cold air is getting in, so we don't have freezing problems next winter! We ate BBQ burgers for lunch and then Jessie, Susan and I went down to the Thrift Store to shop, Jessie got watered down when her bottle full of pop went pop when she opened it and she needed a change of clothes. We all found some good bargains! I got a cool jacket, and Jessie and Susan found clothes. Had a good visit with them all.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Picnic at the Shingle Mill

John and I ate the last of the grapefruits that Michael gave us at the retirement party. He picked them from his own tree and they were all soooo good! The thick rinds kept them juicy and sweet!

We packed up a lunch this morning and went to visit the Harris Shingle Mill. On the way we saw a herd of antelope grazing close to the road, they didn't seem to bothered by us stopping and taking photos. This spring has been a great one for spotting wild animals! We also saw some turkeys today.

We hadn't been to the mill in several years and were wondering what shape it was in. The snow was mostly gone and we only ran into some wet areas in the road and found where to park to walk. We were only off a bit and found it without trouble. A lot of the trees around the mill have died and some have fallen down. One that was leaning over the mill last time we were there fell and someone had cut part of it out. The mill is disintegrating, I guess it's amazing that there is anything left after 140 years!

It was a bit cold, so we ate lunch in the pickup, then dropped by to visit Mel and Ruth and return some planting pots we'd borrowed. Then we ran over to Hunt to check out some land we'd looked at years ago. John was curious to see if the forest around a house was still there. A lot of those trees had died too. Then we came on home. Had a fun day!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Meet William G.

We postponed our trip to the Shingle Mill today, my foot is bugging me and I didn't feel like walking. Weatherman said it was going to be pretty windy, but so far, it's just breezy. Cold, but breezy. John finished up William G. again, he decided to put some innards in him.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Garden Work

It wasn't bad out this morning, so we went on a 2 mile walk. My leg and foot have been hurting me and I probably shouldn't have gone so far, because I hurt the rest of the day and my big toe feels numb!

After our walk, John helped me move the rest of the dirt from the steel garden and I put leaves in the bottom, then he got me another load of manure that I put on top of the leaves, then we put in the Mel soil. He also helped me top up the other two gardens, so I'm all set to plant! Santana was giving John a hard time while he was getting the manure, guess he didn't want to part with it, LOL.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Where's Our Warm Weather?

The weatherman said it was going to be nice this week. Well, he was wrong today! It was breezy, we walked this morning, but had to fight a strong headwind on the way home!

John finished up William G. today, he's pretty cool!

He also helped me clean out the ex-fish pond, we put a layer of leaves down, then a bunch of horse manure, kindly donated by Misty and Santana our horse neighbors, then we started adding in dirt from the steel square foot garden. It's never grown stuff as well as the two later ones I did using the square foot gardenng soil mix, so I'm going to put some of my new soil in it and put the old in the fish pond and beef it up with some compost. Good to be out working, but it was pretty windy and my face feels wind burned tonight!

Monday, April 11, 2011

It's Here!

We got a call on Friday that our sofa had been delivered to the store in ShowLow. The weather has been too bad to go get it, but today was calm and dry, so we went and picked it up. We went up over the mountains and got to see a bunch of cute little sports cars coming towards town. I guess they are having a rally and they went through here. They were all coming from Greer. Here's a couple of them.

There is still snow on the ground up on the mountains. Some is new from the latest snow storm last week.

We dropped some business cards at the Casbah, Don said it was a busy weekend, then picked up the sofa. On the way home, coming down the hill just this side of Vernon, we had a deer run out on the road in front of us on the way home! Luckily John's reactions were fast and he got stopped in time and I was fast enough to get a shot of the deer in the road with my camera!

The Manns came down this evening and helped John get the sofa in the house, it's HEAVY! They got it in, with much effort and it looks great! The fabric on the arms is close to the color of our chairs as we hoped it would be and they go together well!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's Cold!

No new snow today and the clouds are leaving us, but it's COLD out! At 2 PM it was 43 degrees!

William G. is almost finished! John put him out in the sun so I could snap a few pix.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's Snowing!

The wind has died down to an "Arizona Breeze" and it's snowing! The locust tree told us it wasn't spring yet!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Wind and a Retirement Party

The wind howled all night long and all day, I could hear things clanging and banging outside. I guess this means that spring is here. Although the locust tree doesn't think so yet, no sign of buds on it. The company had a retirement party for the guys that have retired recently tonight. They honored 4 guys, John was the only one that actually retired, one died last year and they talked about him and gave a gift to his widow, the other two are on long term disability from injuries, so they won't be going back to work. It was a nice event, they had food and cake as well as a program. They also gave each of them a clock, it's got an electric meter from the 20's on it, that actually works, it keeps track of what the light uses. Retirement is beginning to seem real now!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Fierce Wind!

It was a windy day! John got all the art and things we needed to put it up loaded in the pickup and we headed out for Pinetop again. It felt like summer and the barn season! Boy, was it windy, I could feel the gusts hitting us even in our big heavy pickup! The electric company is putting up new poles, they are ruining the view of the gorgeous mountains! I'm sad!

We got everything set up and ready for the big opening tomorrow morning at the Shops at the Casbah. Looked like most of the shops still have a lot of setting up to do. I think it's going to be a cool place to shop! Our spot lights weren't up yet, hope the electrician gets them up soon!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The wind is Still Here!

We had a gorgeous sunrise this morning! I wish I could capture the true colors with my camera, it always makes them too yellow and the yellow wasn't there to my eye.

It's been a windy day again! We walked this morning, later than usual and it was getting pretty breezy so we turned around at the corrals. I wonder what this huge tank was used for?

John has been packing up artworks to take to the Shops at the Casbah tomorrow. The Mall opens on Friday.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Trip to ShowLow

We ran over to ShowLow today to set up the panels at the Casbah. On the way over we saw a small group of Antelopes right by the highway! Luckily, they ran away from the road rather than out in front of us!

It didn't take nearly as long as we were thinking and we got it all done. We bought a light to shine on the pro panels, the contractor will have to put it up for us, we can't do it ourselves because of zoning laws. I'm not sure how they are going to get everything set up by Friday. Lots of work left to do!

We ate lunch at El Rancho, I found they had a shell-less taco salad and got that with shredded beef on top. Big mistake, the thing had very little salad, I got a plate of meat! I had enough left over that both John and I had a burro from it for supper! Way too much meat!!

We saw this guy working on the new electric lines on the way home! Yikes, he doesn't look safe to me, looks like he's standing on the top edge of the basket!!