Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2 and Cabin Fever

The low last night was only 7 below, lots warmer than the night before! John discovered that the water in the studio is frozen and he has been heating up the bathroom to thaw it. Some water trickled out this afternoon. Sure hope the pipes didn't burst!

We had cabin fever today and had to get out of the house for a bit. The roads are bad, still lots of snow and they were slippery! We drove out the highway to see where the smoke we could see was coming from. It was something on the old Ramsey property, we couldn't see through the smoke to see what was burning.

Carleen and Mom also had cabin fever and came up here. I got to babysit Ani while they went and ate. I tried to get some photos of her, but she's a hard one, she won't stay still.

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