Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Big Difference Between All Dead and Mostly Dead!

I assumed that both my goldfish were dead, frozen in the 20 below. I could only see one of them and it hadn't moved in weeks. I put water in the pond the other day anyway, just in case, and today when I went outside both fish were in sight! I put more water in the pond and noticed a fin slowly moving on one of the fish. Not sure if it was the water turbelence or the fish, I got a pail and removed him from the pond. He was moving! Not much life, he moves one fin and his mouth. I put the bucket in the shop, where it is a bit warmer and will leave him there until tomorrow to see if he's just in winter mode or if he's too far gone to recover. He's laying on his side and that doesn't sound like a very good sign, I can't tell if the fin on that side is going or not. Poor fish, I had to break up ice that was on top of him and I think it may have been around him, too!

John got the new pump installed in the sewage lift station, he's glad to have that out of the way so he can get back to creating. He's been working on a sculpture that's different from any he's done. It's a guy made of computer parts.

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