Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday

This was our recorded low for last night! The sensor is close to the house, so it always reads higher than the real temp, so it was COLD last night!
Black Friday and can you believe we didn't go out to do any shopping today! Andy did pick up a couple things for me at Wal Mart, my printer died on me the other day and he found a good bargain for me. He's always looking out for a good deal for me!

John got these wire spools yesterday from the junk pile at work to make a headboard for the studio bed. We've just had a mattress on the floor and picked up a box spring and frame the other day in Showlow and we needed a thin headboard. Years ago, we made one from a spool and it looked so cool! We gave it away when we got a bigger bed and it was too narrow. It's going to look good!

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