They were working on the road in the middle of Miami and we got stopped for a few minutes wait so I snapped a few shots of the nearby old buildings. Loved the sign on the top of this one! It was sad to see such a cool building in bad shape, there was mesh over the windows, but the birds had found a way in and it looked like it's doing service as a bird hotel now.
I have always loved going through the Queen Creek Tunnel. When we were little, we'd beg Dad to honk the horn, it always sounded cool, then when our kids were small we'd honk for them to hear. I heard someone honking as we went through today, guess kids are still loving some of the same things we did as kids! There was a cool looking little waterfall in the rocks to the right of the tunnel. Made me wonder if they ever have leaking problems inside.
The grass was green and there were flowers blooming along the road as we got closer to the valley. It was wonderful to see signs of spring!
Here's the motel we stayed in, it was a pretty nice one and we even got a pretty good Continental Breakfast.
Here we are soaking in some sun and relaxing our feet in the Jacuzzi.
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