Sunday, March 15, 2009

Trip to New Mexico

March 15. John and I had cabin fever today and so we got sandwiches at Subway and rode out to Red Hill, New Mexico. We found the old house there remodeled and lived in and the old station has been turned into a land sales office. I always thought the place looked like it would be neat to live in, even though it's so far from any civilization. Now, everywhere we looked we could see signs of habitation, new homes going in and mailboxes set up by the highway, Red Hill isn't in the middle of nowhere anymore!

On the way back home, we stopped to look at a rock garden we found and visited years ago. It's such a cool place, it sits on the top of a hill and is surrounded by trees on the hill below and it's hidden from your view until you top out on the hill and suddenly you are there among all these beautiful rocks. Here are a few pictures I took, I think this first one looks like the face of a bearded man.

Charles sent us this picture of Nikki this morning. She is on a Girl Scout mystery trip this weekend. The girls loaded up in a bus late Friday night and drove all night and ended up at Disneyland! What a fun surprise this must have been for them. Can't wait to hear all about the trip from Nikki! Someone took this picture with their cell phone and sent it to Charles.


Jana said...

The second one looks like a mommy rock snuggling with her baby.

Jennifer said...

Looks like Nikki had fun at Disneyland!