Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring is here!

The weather continues to be cold and breezy and so we went for a ride to find us some spring! We saw this gorgeous tree in bloom and stopped to take a few pictures of it.

While on our ride, John created a new game to play with Jessie, he asked her if she knew where we were when we'd been riding around for a while and if she could guide us home. After showing her north, south, east and west and she'd spotted flat top, she started guiding us down and across town until we ended up at a location where she recognized where we were and knew her way home. She did a good job of finding home! I think it's a great way to teach a child directions!

This afternoon Jessie and I made some jewelry while her "kids" took a nice long nap. Here she is checking on them and they were still sound asleep. She's making sure I don't make any noise while taking my picture and wake them up!

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