Sunday, March 1, 2009


The beginning of a new month and a bit closer to spring! We visited the great-grandmother's today on our way to take Jessie home. She had a good visit with them and received this beautiful handmade quilt from her Grandma as a late birthday gift. Grandma asked Jessie if she was going to retire "Blankie" (a quilt she made and gave her several years ago), but she said no, she isn't ready to put her away yet. Blankie accompanied Jessie everywhere when she was a little girl and provided comfort to her when she was sad or hurt. She wore out the first Blankie, (now retired and saved in her closet) so Grandma made her a second one, and that one is now worn and threadbare, but Jessie still loves her Blankie and she still accompanies Jessie on visits to our house. (You can see a corner of Blankie in a photo in the last post, Cutie is laying on her edge.)

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