Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What a Difference A Day Makes

I'm amazed today at how much better I feel. Today and yesterday I've improved immensely! I felt so good that I requested a ride in the "real woods" and so we got Subway sandwiches and set out on an adventure. We went out US 60 to the road going to Green's Peak, took the turnoff to the Whiting Homestead and after a bumpy ride arrived at our destination.

Our destination for lunch was the EZ and Lula tree and bench. Much to our dismay, we couldn't find the spot! Closer examination and we found where the bench and one of the trees should have been. The bench was gone and the tree with the initials carved into it had fallen down. In 1952 EZ and Lula and family either camped or picnicked at this spot and someone, probably EZ, carved their initials in a tree and fastened a board between that tree and one next to it that over time grew into the trees and made a nice bench or table. When we first found it, in about 1974, we were camping in our usual spot nearby and were exploring. At that time, the trees and bench were in an area that was overgrown with trees and it was hard to get to. Since then, the entire area has been camped in so many times that it no longer looks wild and abandoned. When we started camping in our camping spot in the early 70's, I don't think anyone had camped there in years, if ever. The first time was an accident, our usual spot at Hall's spring already had campers and so we went down the road a bit looking for a place, pulled off the road and promptly bogged down and got stuck, then high centered on a rock trying to get out and decided to camp where we were. We explored the area and found a perfect spot a bit farther off the road and that became our favorite spot to camp for years to come.

On a walk after lunch we spotted these initials carved by Charles into a tree on a camping trip many years ago. I think this is the only carving left from our family, the other trees have died over the years and either fallen down or been cut down.

After lunch we rode through the woods enjoying the changing colors of the aspens. I love this road, it's narrow and in places the trees almost touch overhead.

A group of horses caught our eye and we stopped to visit with them and take photos. They were very friendly, and wanted visiting and petting. LOL, or maybe they thought we were going to feed them and that's why them came over.

We came home by way of Greer, we didn't go out that way because they are working on the road between Greer and town, eating up the pavement. By the time we traveled over it this afternoon, the workers had gone home, so we weren't stopped.

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