Sunday, February 28, 2010
Snow, Snow, Snow
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Lyman Lake Park Closed

It took John and Eric over 3 hours to get the heavy machine loaded, first they had to cut down a tree that had grown up in the middle of the machine, then winch the heavy thing up onto a trailer. I was so glad when they finally got it up on the trailer! It was cold and breezy and my face feels wind burned tonight, but no one said being the official photographer was going to be an easy job, LOL.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Just Another Day in Winterville
It's cold and breezy today and it keeps spitting little tiny balls of snow at us! I needed a good dose of spring today and Carleen supplied it by calling me this afternoon to let me know their Alco has Burpee seeds! (I was wanting to get some more of the 4th of July tomato seeds I planted last summer) I ran down to check at our Alco and they had them, yea!! The ones I planted last summer had oodles of tomatoes and they were pretty early too. While I was there I saw a cute little greenhouse with a plastic cover that was pretty cheap, and I picked one up. It should be great for starting seeds! I just need to find some lights to go in it. I planted some of the seeds today.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Henry Gets Center Stage
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
More Bad Weather
Monday, February 22, 2010
It's Still Winter Here!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Giant Scorpion

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Birthday Party!

Friday, February 19, 2010
New Tires and a Speedometer Check
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Horses and Old Trucks
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Happy Birthday Jessie!
Had a harder time today exercising. My joints hurt and I was slower. I did do another 30 minutes, but didn't make it as far, 3.5 miles today.
I was out looking for my photo for today and the horses saw me and came up to the fence to visit. So, I gave Santana a good head rub, he picks on Misty when we try to get close to her, he'll nip her and so she stays back a bit so I didn't get to touch her. When Jessie is here, I visit with Santana so he won't notice Jessie and Misty visiting. But, if he sees her feed Misty weeds, he's right there shoving her back. How Rude!
Here's my photo for today, cedar berries.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
More Antelope
John and I rode out to the dump again this morning, it was closed when we went the other day. We saw more antelope, a lot of them were laying down, I guess we'd caught them just waking up. This one jumped up and ran when another vehicle came along.
Monday, February 15, 2010
President's Day
We all watched Andre this morning, I'd never seen it, it's a good movie! Then we had pizza and wings for lunch and packed up Jessie's things and left to take her home by way of St. Johns. We took Eric's target boxes to him, traded ladders with Mom, then took Jessie home. She gave us the Valentine card she forgot to bring and we had a good visit with everyone. Here she is listening to her mp3 player on the way home. She often sings along with the songs she's listening to so we got live music!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day!
You are the Pa
Who every grandkid wants.
I'm that lucky grandkid who gets you.
You are the best.
I love you lots, Pa-tastic.
She wrote one for me too, but I need to get her to decipher some of it, she did say I was as nice as a butterfly!
Here's our Valentine goodies.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
The Annual President's Day Shootout
John hosted the annual Presidents Day shootout in the afternoon. Jessie even joined them and had a great time target shooting and throwing darts. There was only one near disaster, when one of the pellets went through the target and dented the furnace! They put up more barriers and all was okay. The winners of the shootout were: Chuck 1st place in the rifle division and Trent 1st place in the pistol division. John is making traveling trophies that will go to each year's winners. Carl was the winner in the dart division, hope his arm isn't too sore tomorrow!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Can Music Make Exercising Easier?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
More Snow
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Orange You Glad It's Lunch Time!
John wondered what had happened to me when I served him this for lunch. Don't know why, but I felt like fancying up the plate a bit and added orange slices.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
ADSR Has Started
Monday, February 8, 2010
Quiet Day
Jessie and Andy left me the movies she brought over for us to watch while she was visiting and I watched movies today. I usually love Nicholas Cage movies and thought I'd like this one, but I decided it wasn't one of his best.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Guess What We Got This Morning?
Misty's eye, I love horses eyes! Look at those long eyelashes!
Jessie, trying to catch a snowflake.
Humm, which one should I get Gma?
Helping Shane feed Misty and Santana.
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Friday, February 5, 2010
Oh Nuts!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
We've Got Snow! Again!

We glued down the flooring in the middle of the camper today. Now we just need to paint and add trim along the edges. When we start adding the things we are going to store, we'll need to add some tie downs and shelves, but the inside is mostly finished. We need to get jacks for the outside so we can raise and lower it to get it in the pickup and then I think it will be finished!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Snow Day
John and I cut and glued most of the flooring in the art camper today. Only the middle floor is left, we put it in the granny's attic, as John calls it and on both benches. It's getting close to finished! The flooring on the bench needs to be trimmed and aluminum trim added and we're going to paint the wood that's beneath the shelf. This bench will be used to store our Pro Panels and we'll build a shelf above for the canopy.
Have you ever tried a grilled peanut butter and banana sandwich? We had them for lunch today. The bananas kind of melt into the peanut butter, I could taste them, but not feel their texture. John really liked his sandwich but I'm not sure, it was kind of too sweet. I heard somewhere that they were one of Elvis' favorite sandwiches and John has been eating them not grilled for a while so we decided to try them the Elvis way today.
Today is my sister's birthday, hope you have a wonderful day, Trish!!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010
A New Month
I couldn't start the truck today, the battery was dead, so after hooking it up to the charger for a while, we went for a ride to finish charging it up. We turned around at Nelson Reservoir and I took a few pictures of the frozen lake. I could see footprints out on the lake, looked pretty scary to me, I wouldn't want to walk out there!
I've always loved this view of town from on top of the hill coming back from Nelson Reservoir.