The guys came to fix our ETS heater today. They discovered that only one of the elements was working! When they started taking out the bricks we could see why, some of the elements were in tiny pieces, they'd melted apart! Hope the new ones will last longer than the 2 years these have! They've gone through the afternoon heating cycle now and I didn't hear them vibrating like the old ones did, so maybe these will last longer. I hope so!
We got a bit of snow this morning. John went out to start the cars and he said there wasn't any snow on the ground, but by the time I left for exercise, just a few minutes later, the ground was lightly covered, just like yesterday. We never did get much snow, just a light skiff. I did see a snowplow coming back into town, so there must have been some up Alpine way. I took this photo about 7:30 this morning. The snow had stopped and this is all we got.
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