Monday, March 30, 2009
Snow again
Sunday, March 29, 2009
This one is a geranium that Monna gave me, it's filled with red flowers right now and looks so beautiful.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
A Cold Snowy Dawn
And the yard early this morning after the sun came up.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
So this is Spring?
Ever wonder what horses do when it snows? I heard the pounding of hooves and went out to see what was going on. The 3 horses across the street were racing back and forth in their field. I wonder if they were just warming up or if they were playing and having fun? You can see how hard it was snowing, I could hardly see the horses and when they were at the back of the field, I could only hear them, not see them!
Our ponderosa tree all covered in white.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Traveling and the Miracle of Life

I think Jessie was glad to see her folks, she'd talked to them every day she was here, but it's just not the same as seeing them in person. We got to see their huge garden plot all plowed up with Allis' old plows and Jessie was excited to show them the seeds she got for them here at the drug store.

On the way home from Andy's John saw a cow giving birth so we stopped to watch. The mother was all alone in a field along the highway and was close to the fence where we got a good view of the event. This is the first time I've ever see a cow give birth and it was so cool! The calf was still at first and we worried that it was okay, but with lots of licking from the mom, it soon started stirring. Its attempts to stand had us laughing, he tipped over and fell flat the first few times. We named it Norman and cheered him on in his attempts and soon he was up and searching for his first meal. Here he is doing a headstand as he falls over on one of his first attempts.
And here he is after he was able to stand. It's amazing to me that this took such a short time.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
A Busy Day
Then Jessie and I played a few games and devored a batch of yummy kettle corn. We helped John wash the pickup, Jessie inserted the coins in the machine, turned the knob and stood by in case Pa needed any help. I took this shot of her from inside the warm vehicle, looking through the pink soap!
Love this shot of our little glamour girl! No, she's really not wearing dark lipstick, it's just dark chocolate, LOL!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Spring is here!
While on our ride, John created a new game to play with Jessie, he asked her if she knew where we were when we'd been riding around for a while and if she could guide us home. After showing her north, south, east and west and she'd spotted flat top, she started guiding us down and across town until we ended up at a location where she recognized where we were and knew her way home. She did a good job of finding home! I think it's a great way to teach a child directions!
This afternoon Jessie and I made some jewelry while her "kids" took a nice long nap. Here she is checking on them and they were still sound asleep. She's making sure I don't make any noise while taking my picture and wake them up!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Jessie's Visit
The weather was cold and windy today, so we went shopping for seeds and then spent most of the day inside playing and watching TV.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
5th Anniversary

Then we all gathered back at Mom's house for BBQ'd steaks, cooked by Sharla's fiance, Jaron. Yumm, were they good!
Mom had some excitement recently at her house, she came home to find the back yard and her woodpile and beautiful apple tree on fire! A call to 911 soon brought the fire department to her aid. Her neighbor had been burning weeds and I guess a spark got away and ignited the woodpile next to her fence and leaped up to start the apple tree on fire, then spread out across her lawn. Luckily, the house and her sheds didn't catch on fire!
The poor tree looks bad and Andy pruned some of the worst looking branches. We'll have to wait and see if any life is left in the remaining tree. The wood pile is a loss but the lawn will recover.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
New Fence
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Food for the Soul
The first picture is taken from down below the falls. The water isn't at its highest peak yet and I was able to get up pretty close to the falls and could feel the spray on my face! The second picture was taken up the hill at the level where the water falls off the cliff.
We rode home through the woods, the same road we tried to come in on when we tried to get to the falls on March 8. Most of the snow has melted since then, although we did hit a few spots where there was snow on the road and some pretty muddy spots. Thank goodness for 4-wheel drive! We had a fun trip, it seemed so good to be able to get to the woods again! I'm looking forward to some camping trips this summer!
As we got to the turnoff to our street we could see flashing lights approaching from New Mexico way and stopped to see if it was more of the big trucks. Sure enough, it was another group of three and this time I got a picture of the truck as it went away from us and you can tell more just how huge the load the truck is carrying is!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A craving for squash!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Where are they going?
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Trip to New Mexico
On the way back home, we stopped to look at a rock garden we found and visited years ago. It's such a cool place, it sits on the top of a hill and is surrounded by trees on the hill below and it's hidden from your view until you top out on the hill and suddenly you are there among all these beautiful rocks. Here are a few pictures I took, I think this first one looks like the face of a bearded man.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Just minutes after Andy and Jessie left we looked out our window to see snow flying by!

Friday, March 13, 2009
Spring Fever

This is the only sign of spring in the yard so far, this little bush has budded out.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Poor Old Tree

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I'm up to date now!
Here's my dropping for today, one of John's scratchboards that is going to hang on our wall for a while. We'll be taking it to the show we're going to do in July, but until then, we can enjoy it! It's the old Rhoton Barn in Show Low, it's fallen down now, but I remember driving by it all during my childhood and it looked much like it does in the scratchboard.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Wagon Ho!

I got to go on a tour of Casa Malpais this morning. They are doing some stabilization work and just back filled the room I helped excavate. It was kind of sad to see the room filled, but the walls were collapsing and it needed it. Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me to get a picture of them getting the dirt to the room in a pipe from the plateau above, across a deep gorge and over to the pueblo. Quite a feat!
Monday, March 9, 2009
A Dying Breed