Tuesday, July 26, 2011

WITL Day 2

I took 301 photos today, that's more than yesterday! I'm so glad for digital, couldn't have afforded to take that many in a day back in the days of film!

I ended up spending most of the night in the recliner. I coudn't get to sleep, I had heartburn from the Orange Chicken and had to get up to take some tums and ended up staying up. This recliner isn't as comfy as my old one to sleep in, so it was an uncomfortable night!

We got a late start for our walk this morning, but we did make it! Yesterday, when we went out to check on the drainage down the hill, we stopped and talked to a guy in a big tree trimming truck that was parked by our driveway. They were setting up today as we left right by the tree that's been needing trimming, it's been blocking our view when we are coming out of our driveway.

Our street has been scoured! The rain cleaned out a lot of the dirt that was in the crack between the pavement and the curb. Wow, just shows the power of Mother Nature!

Stopped and took a picture of this horse, it lives down the street a bit. What gorgeous eyes! I just love horse eyes, they are so expressive!

Visited with Mr. Sherwood, saw more planes flying overhead, dodged the puddles in the road and had a good walk this morning. Love our morning walks!

Had cocoa and cereal with strawberries for breakfast. I was going to eat at our "roadside table", but it was too sunny, so I went to the table at the back of the house, then ended up under the locust tree so I could watch the tree trimmers.

Ordered supplies to start project life and for my week in the life from Amazon, checked 593.org for news on flooding and found Alpine had some flooding yesterday. Had a bit of rain and John made lunch for us while I helped him print out his latest scratchboard ideas.

Shot Ray's animals having fun in a puddle and a neat car at the drug. Mailed my drive to asus in the rain gased up and headed for SJ to get Andy's tools, delivered them and came on home.

Steak, corn, green beans and rolls for supper.

Drove up to Eagar to check on any flooding, didn't see any problems. 593 posted that there is flooding at Alpine, Greer and Southfork.

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