Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week In The Life Day 3

Had a hard time walking this morning, the toes on my left foot just didn't want to walk! They were hurting the entire 2 miles! The smell of the willows we walk past were really strong this morning and river willows don't smell good!

My morning break treat was cocoa and crackers, I went bare foot all morning because shoes made my toes hurt too much.

After a bath we went to the Credit Union to deposit checks, then ran errands.

Lunch was mini tacquitos made for me by John while I got his pictures ready and printed them out. They are for the scratchboards he'll be working on this weekend.

Did dishes, cleaned the kitchen and uploaded a picture to facebook.

Made layouts for Monday's WITL and baked cookies for us.

3:30 we left on an adventure to Alpine to check out the flood damage. Made us sad to see, the Sportsman Lodge in Alpine looked like it had had water high enough to get inside, Tal Wi Wi had ditches dug, lots of culverts were taken out to make the ditches deeper and still it looked like water had gotten to some homes. The bridge over the river in Nutri has been removed and the level lowered to make room for water. We stopped and checked out an under pass just the other side of the road to Escudilla and found where ash had run down the hill, I could see pieces of burned bark in the mud. I could smell the ash, so sad!

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