Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Paul McKenna

Last year about this time John and I watched a series on TV called I Can Make You Thin with Paul McKenna. I was so excited by the idea behind these programs; that by listening to our body and only eating until we are full we can lose weight! It took some time to rediscover when I was full, but in a few short months I lost about 16 pounds, simply by listening to my body tell me it was full! Then came summer and trips to the barn and winter and I gradually slipped back to my old eating habits. Lately I've not been feeling well and have been thinking I need to lose the weight I gained back. Then yesterday I got an email from Paul, inviting me to join his online group for 6 months and receive 5 free CD's. Was that good timing or what! I joined and have been browsing his site and getting myself acquainted with the new things they've added. And, I am trying to listen to my body again and I was full after eating only half my sandwich for lunch! Thin, here I come!

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